KalariKovilakom offers ayurveda unveiled in its most authentic form.The herbs used are pure and freshly picked, usually from the herb gardens maintained on Kalari Kovilakom's own extensive grounds.
All food is prepared in a full fledged ayurvedic kitchen, using pure spices and ingredients to create simple, yet delicious vegetarian meals that form an integral part of the treatments.And the therapies are in strict accord with the ancient texts of Ayurveda.
All food is prepared in a full fledged ayurvedic kitchen, using pure spices and ingredients to create simple, yet delicious vegetarian meals that form an integral part of the treatments.And the therapies are in strict accord with the ancient texts of Ayurveda.
Through a combination of massages, herbal treatments, medicines, diet and purifying baths, the Kalari experience promises you a chance to see the world afresh, to be twice born.
10 therapy and massage rooms offer a complete range of treatments. Expert masseuses and therapists work with you from head to toe, bringing new life to tired muscles, bones and tendons. The healing continues at our Yoga and meditation centres, and even at the dining table. And of course, hovering protectively over your whole treatment are Doctors Shreelatha and Jain, qualified ayurvedic physicians with years of clinical experience.
10 therapy and massage rooms offer a complete range of treatments. Expert masseuses and therapists work with you from head to toe, bringing new life to tired muscles, bones and tendons. The healing continues at our Yoga and meditation centres, and even at the dining table. And of course, hovering protectively over your whole treatment are Doctors Shreelatha and Jain, qualified ayurvedic physicians with years of clinical experience.
Ayurveda Treatment Packages Available in Kalarikovilakom
Anti Ageing - Rasayana Chikitsa - 28 Days.
Aims at keeping the enzymes in the tissue cells in their normal functioning condition. The cells are revitalized and their composition is changed. The nerves and bones are kept soft and smoothened; tranquility of the mind is promoted. This prevents the process of ageing and makes the individual free from diseases even at an advanced age.
Ayurveda is not only a science, but also an art of appropriate living, which helps to achieve longevity. It can guide every individual in the proper choice of diet, living habits and exercise to restore balance in the body, mind and consciousness, thus preventing disease.
According to authentic Ayurvedic textbooks, rejuvenation must be done only after detoxifying the body. Keeping this principle, Kalari Kovilakam developed a special treatment programme, which goes well with the present lifestyle.
In this Anti aging programme, the first 2 weeks are reserved for a cleansing treatment to eliminate the toxins. Then, the rejuvenation treatments start, with medicines and diet. Our programme is based on the prime treatment in ayurveda for reducing the aging processes, arresting the degeneration of the body cells and increasing the immunity of the system.
Key therapies: Nasyam, virechanam, vamanam, snehavasthi or kashayavasthi depend upon the constitution or dominant doshas along with some preparative treatments like Pizhichil, pouch massages, different types of uzhichil [massage], sirodhara, sirovasthi, kayasekam etc. for purifying the body. Followed by this cleansing, there will be some rejuvenating uzhichil [massage], uzhichil with special creams, njavarakizhi, Ksheera dhara, kashayadhara, udvardhanam, mukhalepam, thechukulli along with rasayanas and a nourishing diet.
Anti Stress Programme - Manasanthy - 14 Days
It is a proven fact that the mind plays an important role in governing not just the actions we take, but their qualitative nature, ie, how well or badly we act.
Anything which manipulates the mind will thus reflect on the body. People facing a lot of stress from their hectic lives thus end up with not only mental, but a host of physical problems too, usually called 'lifestyle diseases'.
Ayurveda, combined with Yoga offers the perfect answer for this.
At Kalari Kovilakam, we've developed a special 14 days programme called 'Manasanthy', based on these two ancient systems of wellness.
Key therapies: the classical treatments like Uzhichil, Sirodhara,
Sirovasthy, Nasyam, Kateevasthy, Nj avarakizhi, Sarvanga dhara, Pichu, Thalam, Thalapothichil etc. are provided in its authentic form. All these are supported by special Yoga therapies, herbal medicines and herbal teas according to the constitution.
This programme is beneficial for those who are physically and mentally stressed, and/or suffer from conditions like insomnia, lack of concentration, fatigue, tension headaches and so on. It's also good for those who travel a lot, late night workers, I.T. professionals and computer users in general.
General Rejuvenation - Pancha karma - 21 to 28 Days
Although Panchakarma is often thought of as the entire procedure, it really is one part of a group of therapies belonging to a class of cleansing procedures called 'shodhana'
At Kalari, the Panchkarma process is more intensive, following closely the early texts of Ayurveda like the Charaka Samhita and the Sushruta Samhita.
Poorvakarma - Pre Purification Measures
Before the actual processes of purification begins, there is a need to prepare the body in prescribed methods and encourage the body to let go of the toxins. The two procedures are 'Snehanam' and 'Swedanam'. Snehanam means oleating the body, helping the toxins to move towards the gastrointestinal tract. It also makes the superficial and deep tissues soft and supple, thus helping to remove stress and to nourish the nervous system.
Swedanam means 'sudation' or sweating, which is followed by snehanam..This procedure liquefies the toxins and increases the movement of toxins in to the gastrointestinal tract. After this Snehanam and swedanam,doshas become well 'ripened'. A particular panchakarma is then given according to the individual's constitution and disorder.
There are five basic Shodhanas, or cleansing methods.
1) Nasyam Elimination of toxins through the nose.
2) Vamanam Therapeutic vomiting.
3) Virechanam ` Purgation.
4) Vasthy Enema.
5) Rakthamoksham Detoxification of the blood.
Paschat karma - post purification measures.
It is important to follow a diet and lifestyle that is harmonious with one's constitution. If not patients could worsen their condition by suppressing the renewed healing energies. The toxins may then directly enter cleansed tissues and go deeper than before.
Some things to avoid are loud talking, bumpy rides, long walks, excessive sitting and excessive eating, if experiencing indigestion. Avoid eating unwholesome food, daytime sleep and sexual indulgence in excess. Take 'Rasayanas' to rebuild the damaged tissues and to give a new level of strength and energy. Herbs and foods can be used specifically to rebuild tissue layers and herbs also have a direct rejuvenative effect on the various organs and tissue layers.
Key therapies
Snehapanam, uzhichil, sirodhara, sirovasthy, podikizhi, elekizhi, dhanyakizhi, njavarakizhi, pizhichil, narangakizhi, dasamoolaksheera dhara,kativasthi, urovasthi, nasyam, vamanam, virechanam, kashayavasthi, ksheeravasthi, snehavasthi, mathravasthi etc. are the treatments included in this package.
Slimming Programme - Thaulyakna Chikilsa - 21 to 28 Days.
Diet pills lower the body's fat set points by speeding up the organism, making both body and brain work faster. This increases Vata, which makes both body and mind crave for more sweets to balance.
Ayurveda believes in speeding up organism in healthy natural ways, with treatments to increase fat metabolism, exercise, herb-based diet supplements and the use of light non-kapha producing foods, which control vata while relieving the system of excess kapha.
In Kalari Kovilakam, there is a programme for 28 days including yoga, which assures you of genuine metabolic change.
Key treatments: Udvardhanam, Padabhyangam, Kalari uzhichil, lepanam, medicated steam bath, podikizhi, internal medication and herbal teas. For Enquiry send mail to info@holitravels.com or holitravels@gmail.com